SEASON:   January to December


   Mon & Wed - The Great Park of Irvine - 4:45-6:00 PM


COACHES: Robbie Mulligan, Paul Anderson, & Diego Oliveros 

BIRTH YEARS: 2021 - 2020 - 2019


Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Fundamental Motor Skills Development

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Introduction to Soccer Basics

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Social Interaction and Team Building

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Attention Span and Focus

Two black arrows pointing in opposite directions on a white background.

Positive Reinforcement and Encouragement


To explore and develop fundamental movement skills (walking and running, pulling and pushing, bending and twisting, skipping, hopping, leaping, catching and throwing, lifting and carrying, jumping and landing, kicking and dribbling, etc.)

To explore different ways to manipulate the ball: playing with a ball becomes more fun as children develop the abilities to kick, throw, and catch more accurately during this stage

- with the hands: eye-hand coordination

- with the feet: eye-foot coordination

A pair of black quotation marks on a white background.
A pair of black quotation marks on a white background.

Is to create a happy, healthy, and fun environment. That allows each player to grow as a positive human being, student, and soccer player. The program focuses on building a strong relationship with the ball. Each session will be high in energy, and fun and have positive coaching. Blues’ coaches will encourage our players to express themselves and have fun.


A black and white silhouette of three hearts on a white background.

Make it Holistic

A black and white smiley face in a circle on a white background.

Make Competition Fun!

A black and white icon of a hand holding a group of people.

Be Inclusive

A black and white drawing of a man with a smile on his face.

Be Player Centered

A black and white shield with a check mark inside of it.

Make it Fun and Safe

A black and white cube icon on a white background.

Focus on Fundamentals

A group of people standing next to each other on a white background.

Engage Parents Positively

A black and white icon of a heart with a whistle attached to it.

Create a Lifelong Love and Passion


Making soccer fun and age appropriate is a key concept in any successful player development model.


For a young player to develop to their maximum potential they must be in an environment that is differentiated based on their ability. There needs to be a carefully laid out plan that is progressive and allows a young player to face new challenges at each stage. Young players learn at different rates and also in different ways and there has to be an opportunity for all players to be allowed to succeed in their own time.


It is vital that a young player receives the necessary support structure throughout their development. There must be clarity in the expectations at each stage in the process and there cannot be unnecessary pressure applied. Players should be encouraged to learn from their mistakes and not feel as if they will be berated for trying to express themselves.


A black and white smiley face in a circle on a white background.

Have Fun

A couple of stick figures standing next to each other on a white background.

Embrace Mistakes

A light bulb with a pencil inside of it.

Encourage Creativity & Freedom of Expression

A black and white thumbs up icon on a white background.


A group of people standing next to each other with a thumbs up icon.

Encourage Players

A black and white drawing of a flow chart with arrows pointing in opposite directions.

Process Led

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